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Bariatric Registry

As obesity and obesity related illness rates continue to rise across the province, the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) developed a Bariatric Services Strategy to meet the growing needs of for this population.

An integral part of this strategy was the establishment of a comprehensive provincial database to examine patient outcomes and current practices, now known as the Bariatric Registry.

The Bariatric Registry is managed by the Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation (CSii) with collaboration from the Ontario Bariatric Network (OBN), the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) and the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC).

What is the Bariatric Registry?

The Bariatric Registry is an observational, multi-center, database designed to collect standardized information on patients undergoing bariatric treatment at all participating centres across Ontario. Patients are informed of the Registry and asked to sign a consent form indicating they agree to the data collection. Data is retrieved by chart review, and includes information on patient characteristics, medical history and status, assessment, surgical and follow-up procedures, outcomes, and quality of life. The information in the Registry is completely anonymous. Patient names, identifying information or contact information are not entered in the database.

Purpose of the Bariatric Registry

The purpose of the Bariatric Registry is to collect information on bariatric treatment across Ontario to better understand different treatment effects and results. Information collected may help to identify and inform decision makers of practices and health care service areas that need improvement. The Registry information will also be used to answer research questions that help to understand the effects of obesity and the impact of treatment.

How Does the Bariatric Registry Impact Patients?

Patients are instrumental in helping us to conduct essential research to define the future of bariatrics in Ontario. An interdisciplinary bariatric team member will approach patients about consenting to have their outcome data collected in the Bariatric Registry. This data is completely de-identified and participation in no way affects patients' bariatric treatment; patients will only be asked to complete brief surveys during their regular visits to the bariatric clinic and there are no additional visits, testing, treatments, medications or procedures required.